40 Bible Trivia Questions and Answers Based on the Psalms

The book of Psalms contains some of the most beautiful and well-known passages of Scripture. Its poetic verses have provided comfort, encouragement, and inspiration for millennia. This collection of Bible trivia explores details about the varied psalms found in this beloved Old Testament book.

Testing your knowledge of the psalms will help you become more familiar with these moving expressions of faith. See if you can recall details about selected psalms on key topics and situations. Whether recalling facts about famous psalms like Psalm 23 or less familiar ones, this trivia provides a fun way to deepen your appreciation for this timeless book.


Psalm 27:1


  1. Which Psalm begins with, “The Lord is my shepherd”?
  2. In which Psalm does David say, “Create in me a clean heart, O God”?
  3. Which Psalm is the longest in the Book of Psalms?
  4. Which Psalm speaks of God’s law being a “lamp unto my feet”?
  5. Who is traditionally believed to be the main author of the Psalms?
  6. Which Psalm states, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it”?
  7. In which Psalm is the phrase “From the rising of the sun to its setting” found?
  8. Which Psalm speaks of God’s protection under the shadow of His wings?
  9. “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” is found in which Psalm?
  10. Which Psalm encourages us to “Enter His gates with thanksgiving”?
  11. Which Psalm mentions a “deer panting for streams of water”?
  12. Which Psalm declares “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God'”?
  13. In which Psalm do we find, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death”?
  14. Which Psalm states, “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly”?
  15. Where does the verse “Be still, and know that I am God” come from?
  16. Which Psalm describes the heavens declaring the glory of God?
  17. Where is it written “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning”?
  18. Which Psalm is often referred to as a Messianic Psalm, hinting at the crucifixion with the words “They pierced my hands and my feet”?
  19. Which Psalm begins with “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever”?
  20. In which Psalm does David express his repentance after his sin with Bathsheba?
  21. “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone” is found in which Psalm?
  22. Which Psalm talks about God knowing us before we were formed in the womb?
  23. Where is the verse “Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You” found?
  24. Which Psalm praises God for His great works and unfathomable thoughts?
  25. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” is the ending of which Psalm?
  26. Which Psalm contains the phrase “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”?
  27. Where does David ask, “Why, O Lord, do you stand far off?”?
  28. Which Psalm starts with “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”?
  29. Which Psalm speaks of blessedness of the forgiven and the misery of the wicked?
  30. Which Psalm mentions God as the one “who heals all your diseases”?
  31. “He trains my hands for war” is a phrase from which Psalm?
  32. Which Psalm has the line “He makes me lie down in green pastures”?
  33. Which Psalm mentions “Deep calls unto deep”?
  34. “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses” is a line from which Psalm?
  35. Which Psalm speaks of Zion as the City of the Great King?
  36. “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” is from which Psalm?
  37. Which Psalm has the line “Sing to the Lord a new song”?
  38. In which Psalm do we read “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted”?
  39. “He has put a new song in my mouth” can be found in which Psalm?
  40. Which Psalm calls on the name of the Lord, saying “O Lord, deliver my soul”?

Psalm 23:1


  1. Psalm 23:1
  2. Psalm 51:10
  3. Psalm 119
  4. Psalm 119:105
  5. David – Introduction to the Book of Psalms
  6. Psalm 24:1
  7. Psalm 113:3
  8. Psalm 91:4
  9. Psalm 139:14
  10. Psalm 100:4
  11. Psalm 42:1
  12. Psalm 14:1 and Psalm 53:1
  13. Psalm 23:4
  14. Psalm 1:1
  15. Psalm 46:10
  16. Psalm 19:1
  17. Psalm 30:5
  18. Psalm 22:16
  19. Psalm 107:1
  20. Psalm 51
  21. Psalm 118:22
  22. Psalm 139:13
  23. Psalm 119:11
  24. Psalm 92:4-5
  25. Psalm 150:6
  26. Psalm 8:1
  27. Psalm 10:1
  28. Psalm 22:1
  29. Psalm 32
  30. Psalm 103:3
  31. Psalm 144:1
  32. Psalm 23:2
  33. Psalm 42:7
  34. Psalm 20:7
  35. Psalm 48:2
  36. Psalm 46:1
  37. Psalm 96:1
  38. Psalm 34:18
  39. Psalm 40:3
  40. Psalm 116:4
Isaiah 41:10

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