50 Bible Trivia Questions and Answers Based on the Book of Revelation

The final book of the New Testament, Revelation depicts shocking visions of the end times culminating in Christ’s return and the establishment of a new heaven and new earth. This Bible trivia explores key imagery and prophecies from John’s apocalyptic vision revealed on the island of Patmos.

Revelation 21:1


  1. Who is the author of the Book of Revelation?
  2. To which island was John exiled when he received the vision?
  3. How many churches does Jesus address in Revelation?
  4. Which church is criticized for being neither cold nor hot?
  5. What does the number “666” represent?
  6. Who appears as a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet?
  7. What are the four living creatures around the throne of God described as?
  8. How many seals are on the scroll that the Lamb opens?
  9. Who is described as “the bright morning star”?
  10. What does John see coming out of the mouths of the two witnesses that can shut the heavens?
  11. What happens after the seventh trumpet sounds?
  12. Which angel pours out the first bowl of God’s wrath?
  13. Who is the archangel that fights the dragon?
  14. How many heads and horns does the beast from the sea have?
  15. What is written on the foreheads of the 144,000 standing on Mount Zion?
  16. How many elders sit around the throne of God?
  17. What color is the fourth horse of the apocalypse?
  18. What does the dragon pursue after failing to devour the male child?
  19. Which angel announces the fall of Babylon?
  20. Who is thrown into the lake of fire after the final battle?
  21. Which city descends from heaven at the end of Revelation?
  22. Who are the only ones allowed to enter the New Jerusalem?
  23. What river flows from the throne of God in the New Jerusalem?
  24. Who is described as “the Alpha and the Omega”?
  25. What kind of stone is the New Jerusalem described as shining like?
  26. How many gates does the New Jerusalem have?
  27. Who are the two witnesses given power to prophesy for 1,260 days?
  28. What does John use as a measurement for the New Jerusalem?
  29. What do the seven lampstands represent?
  30. What do the seven stars in the right hand of Jesus represent?
  31. What instrument is given to the angels who stand before God?
  32. What happens when the fifth seal is opened?
  33. How long will Satan be bound in the Abyss before being set free again?
  34. What is the last promise Jesus gives in the Book of Revelation?
  35. Which church is rebuked for tolerating the teachings of the Nicolaitans?
  36. Which angel prevents the four winds of the earth from blowing?
  37. From which direction does the first living creature around the throne of God face?
  38. How many angels are mentioned in Revelation?
  39. What follows the white horseman as the first seal is opened?
  40. What does John eat that tastes sweet as honey but turns sour in his stomach?
  41. Where does the woman with the twelve stars on her crown flee to?
  42. How many golden bowls filled with the wrath of God are there?
  43. How many angels pour out these bowls?
  44. Who gathers the kings of the earth for battle at a place called Armageddon?
  45. What is written on the thigh of the rider on the white horse?
  46. What kind of tree is on each side of the river in the New Jerusalem?
  47. What is the final invitation in the Book of Revelation?
  48. Which church is promised the “crown of life”?
  49. What happens to those whose names are not found in the book of life?
  50. What is the main theme of the Book of Revelation?

Revelation 3:20


  1. John – Revelation 1:1
  2. Patmos – Revelation 1:9
  3. Seven – Revelation 1:4
  4. Laodicea – Revelation 3:15-16
  5. The number of the beast – Revelation 13:18
  6. The mother of the male child – Revelation 12:1
  7. A lion, an ox, a man, and an eagle – Revelation 4:7
  8. Seven – Revelation 5:1
  9. Jesus Christ – Revelation 22:16
  10. Fire – Revelation 11:5
  11. God’s kingdom is proclaimed – Revelation 11:15
  12. The first – Revelation 16:2
  13. Michael – Revelation 12:7
  14. Seven heads and ten horns – Revelation 13:1
  15. The name of the Lamb and the Father – Revelation 14:1
  16. Twenty-four – Revelation 4:4
  17. Pale – Revelation 6:8
  18. The woman and her offspring – Revelation 12:13-17
  19. A mighty angel – Revelation 18:2
  20. The beast and the false prophet – Revelation 20:10
  21. New Jerusalem – Revelation 21:2
  22. Those whose names are in the Lamb’s book of life – Revelation 21:27
  23. The river of the water of life – Revelation 22:1
  24. The Lord God – Revelation 21:6
  25. Jasper – Revelation 21:11
  26. Twelve – Revelation 21:12
  27. Two witnesses/prophets – Revelation 11:3
  28. A measuring rod – Revelation 21:15
  29. Seven churches – Revelation 1:20
  30. Angels of the seven churches – Revelation 1:20
  31. Trumpets – Revelation 8:2
  32. The souls of those slain for the word of God appear – Revelation 6:9
  33. 1,000 years – Revelation 20:2-3
  34. “Surely I am coming soon.” – Revelation 22:20
  35. Pergamum – Revelation 2:15
  36. The angel ascending from the east – Revelation 7:2
  37. Eastward (like a lion) – Revelation 4:7
  38. Seven – Revelation 8:2
  39. Conquest – Revelation 6:2
  40. A small scroll – Revelation 10:9-10
  41. The wilderness – Revelation 12:6
  42. Seven – Revelation 15:7
  43. Seven – Revelation 16:1
  44. Three evil spirits from the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet – Revelation 16:13-16
  45. “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” – Revelation 19:16
  46. The tree of life – Revelation 22:2
  47. “Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.” – Revelation 22:17
  48. The church in Smyrna – Revelation 2:10
  49. They are thrown into the lake of fire – Revelation 20:15
  50. The final victory of God over evil and the establishment of a new heaven and new earth.
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