50 Bible Trivia Questions and Answers Based on Women of the Bible

The Bible contains accounts of many influential women whose faith and actions shaped biblical history. This trivia focuses on details about the lives of both prominent and lesser-known women of Scripture.

Testing your knowledge of Bible women provides insight into how God uses all people in His redemptive work. As you go through these questions, consider how God specially equipped these women for their part in salvation history. Their examples of faith, courage, leadership and devotion still inspire believers today.

Luke 24:1


  1. Who was the first woman created by God?
  2. Which woman was turned into a pillar of salt?
  3. Who was the mother of John the Baptist?
  4. Which woman is known for her loyalty with the words, “Where you go, I will go”?
  5. Which woman found baby Moses in the Nile river?
  6. Who was the older sister of Moses and Aaron?
  7. Which woman was visited by the angel Gabriel and told she would conceive Jesus?
  8. Who was the wife of King Ahab and known for promoting Baal worship?
  9. Which woman, after being barren, prayed for a son and was given Samuel?
  10. Who was the mother of Isaac and the wife of Abraham?
  11. Who was the wife of Jacob and mother of Joseph and Benjamin?
  12. Which woman was known for her beauty and became the queen of King Xerxes?
  13. Who was the woman that seduced King David and later became the mother of Solomon?
  14. Which prophetess declared Barak would lead Israel to victory over the Canaanites?
  15. Which woman saved the Israelites by driving a tent peg into the head of Sisera?
  16. Who was the woman from Moab who became the great-grandmother of King David?
  17. Which woman, a judge of Israel, led the nation in victory over the Canaanites?
  18. Who was Solomon’s foreign lover who came to test him with hard questions?
  19. Which woman laughed when she heard she would have a child in her old age?
  20. Who was the wife of Nabal, who later married David after Nabal’s death?
  21. Which woman helped the spies sent by Joshua by hiding them on her roof?
  22. Who was the wife of Hosea, the prophet, who was unfaithful to him?
  23. Which woman was known to have sat at Jesus’ feet and listened to his teachings?
  24. Which woman offered to water the camels of Abraham’s servant?
  25. Who was the sister of Lazarus whom Jesus raised from the dead?
  26. Who did Jesus first appear to after His resurrection?
  27. Who was the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee?
  28. Which woman, along with her husband, sold property and lied about the price, leading to her sudden death?
  29. Who was the businesswoman in the New Testament who dealt in purple cloth?
  30. Which prophetess met baby Jesus at the temple during his dedication?
  31. Who was the Samaritan woman Jesus spoke to at the well?
  32. Who was the daughter of Herodias who danced and asked for the head of John the Baptist?
  33. Which woman was known for her acts of charity and making robes and other clothing in Joppa?
  34. Who was the young girl that Peter raised from the dead?
  35. Which woman was cured of seven demons by Jesus?
  36. Who was the woman caught in adultery whom Jesus defended?
  37. Who was the wife of Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father?
  38. Which wife of Abraham was the mother of his son Ishmael?
  39. Who was the mother of King Solomon’s adversary, Jeroboam?
  40. Who was the first missionary in Europe and a dealer in purple cloth?
  41. Which woman, known for her faith, received her son back from the dead?
  42. Who was the sister of Moses who struck a tambourine and sang a song after crossing the Red Sea?
  43. Which woman tempted Samson, leading to his downfall?
  44. Who was the woman known for her kindness to Elijah during a famine?
  45. Who was the prophetess who lived during the reign of King Josiah?
  46. Which woman was a friend and patron of Paul and was involved in the early Christian church?
  47. Who was the Old Testament woman that used her beauty to save her people from destruction?
  48. Which woman was the cousin of Mary and gave birth to John the Baptist in her old age?
  49. Who was the older daughter of Lot?
  50. Who was the mother of Ishmael?

Proverbs 31:10


  1. Eve – Genesis 2:22
  2. Lot’s wife – Genesis 19:26
  3. Elizabeth – Luke 1:57
  4. Ruth – Ruth 1:16
  5. Pharaoh’s daughter – Exodus 2:5-6
  6. Miriam – Exodus 15:20
  7. Mary – Luke 1:26-31
  8. Jezebel – 1 Kings 16:31
  9. Hannah – 1 Samuel 1:20
  10. Sarah – Genesis 11:29-30
  11. Rachel – Genesis 30:22-24
  12. Esther – Esther 2:17
  13. Bathsheba – 2 Samuel 11:2-5
  14. Deborah – Judges 4:4-10
  15. Jael – Judges 4:21
  16. Ruth – Ruth 4:13-17
  17. Deborah – Judges 4:4-10
  18. Queen of Sheba – 1 Kings 10:1-13
  19. Sarah – Genesis 18:12
  20. Abigail – 1 Samuel 25:36-42
  21. Rahab – Joshua 2:1-7
  22. Gomer – Hosea 1:2-3
  23. Mary of Bethany – Luke 10:39
  24. Rebekah – Genesis 24:15-20
  25. Mary of Bethany – John 11:1-2
  26. Mary Magdalene – John 20:16
  27. Salome – Matthew 20:20-21
  28. Sapphira – Acts 5:1-10
  29. Lydia – Acts 16:14
  30. Anna – Luke 2:36-38
  31. Samaritan woman – John 4:7-30
  32. Salome – Mark 6:22-25
  33. Dorcas (Tabitha) – Acts 9:36-39
  34. Tabitha (Dorcas) – Acts 9:36-42
  35. Mary Magdalene – Luke 8:2
  36. Adulterous woman – John 8:3-11
  37. Mary – Matthew 1:16
  38. Hagar – Genesis 16:1-3
  39. Zeruah – 1 Kings 11:26
  40. Lydia – Acts 16:14
  41. Widow of Zarephath – 1 Kings 17:22-24
  42. Miriam – Exodus 15:20-21
  43. Delilah – Judges 16:4-21
  44. Widow of Zarephath – 1 Kings 17:10-24
  45. Huldah – 2 Kings 22:14-20
  46. Phoebe – Romans 16:1-2
  47. Esther – Esther 5:1-2
  48. Elizabeth – Luke 1:36-37
  49. Lot’s older daughter – Genesis 19:30-38
  50. Hagar – Genesis 16:15.
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